The production and availability of certified/quality seeds in the country for the year 2013-14 is 347.31 lakh quintals against the requirement of 335.26 lakh quintals as reported by the States.
The production of certified/quality seeds in the country has increased from 140.51 lakh quintals in 2005-06 to 347.31 lakh quintals in 2013-14. To increase seed production in the country, the Government of India is assisting the State Governments.
Seed producing agencies on various activities related to seed production viz, production, storage, training for capacity building of farmers in seed production technology, etc., under the various crop development programmes/schemes viz:-
National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY)
Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds and Oilpalm (ISOPOM)
Initiatives for Nutritional Security through Intensive Millets Promotion (INSIMP)
Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC)
Technology Mission on Jute & Mesta, National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
Technology Mission for the North East (TMNE)
Development & Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities.
This information was given by Shri Tariq Anwar, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.
The production of certified/quality seeds in the country has increased from 140.51 lakh quintals in 2005-06 to 347.31 lakh quintals in 2013-14. To increase seed production in the country, the Government of India is assisting the State Governments.
Seed producing agencies on various activities related to seed production viz, production, storage, training for capacity building of farmers in seed production technology, etc., under the various crop development programmes/schemes viz:-
National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY)
Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds and Oilpalm (ISOPOM)
Initiatives for Nutritional Security through Intensive Millets Promotion (INSIMP)
Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC)
Technology Mission on Jute & Mesta, National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
Technology Mission for the North East (TMNE)
Development & Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities.
This information was given by Shri Tariq Anwar, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.